The NEUroDIverse Family

We have it all: gifted children, ADHD in adults and children, autism... even our dog seems to be neurodiverse.

But we are also fans of the scientific method. We don't just want to share personal experiences and anecdotes, but dive into the detail of what lies behind the struggles and diagnoses.

Hello, nice to meet you!

I'm Holger

In my day job, I'm an IT manager - I also run the administrative side of our small family business. And I hope to soon be awarded a Masters in Business Administration.

This website is about my family's journey of discovering our different areas of neurodiversity. Mostly, you'll see me. Sometimes you'll see my wife Heidi (who works as a coach and is studying psychology at the moment). I won't share images of the kids until they are old enough to decide they are happy to be seen in this context. But maybe I'll share pictures of our dog...

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